Work With Me

Divorce & Co-Parent Coaching Services

 A coach is an essential part of your team

It is important to put together a team of people to support you during a divorce. In addition to friends and family, many people also benefit from the expertise and support of various professionals — a divorce coach, a therapist, a lawyer, a mediator, a financial advisor, a realtor.

As a Certified Divorce Coach, I help you keep the big picture in mind to gain clarity and reduce the overwhelm at any stage of the separation and divorce process.

I offer a safe, nonjudgmental space to get organized and consider all your options before making decisions for you and your children.

With an extensive counseling background, I have the experience to support you with the emotional ups and downs of divorce, coparenting, and all of the transitions in your post-divorce life.

I’ve been there. I know how scary it is to have your life turned upside down. I know what it’s like to lie awake at night worried about how the separation and divorce will impact your kids.

I can help you move from chaos to calm and create a healthy post-divorce family for you and your children.

When we deny the story it defines us… when we own the story we can write a brave new ending.

— Brene Brown

I specialize in working with

  • Separated/Divorced parents of teens and young adults who want to improve their co-parenting relationship and create a healthy post-divorce family

  • People who learn a spouse may be LGBTQ or are in mixed orientation marriages

  • People who want to build a resiliency toolkit to navigate the emotional ups and downs of the divorce process

  • Adult children of divorce who want to break the generational cycle of divorce

Not sure exactly what you need? No problem! We will discuss this during your free 30-minute consultation.

How it Works

  • Reach out to schedule a complimentary discovery call.

  • I am based in Seattle, WA and can work with you virtually anywhere you are located.

  • I offer individual sessions and multi-session packages that include text/email support.